January 9, 2013

You may get tired of hearing it this year, but I love, love, LOVE my hula hoops.  I know a lot of you are thinking that hula hoops are for kids, or that they are boring, or even that if it isn’t 1958, what would you do with one.  (Insert rolling eyes here.) But that is only because you have not gotten inside the hoop lately.  Boy, you don’t know what you are missing!

Wednesday is probably my favorite fitness day of the week, because Wednesday is Hoop day!  I have a 30 minute “Hoop to the Core” class on Wednesdays that is a great low-impact aerobic workout.  It is my mid-week break from reality and helps me grab my inner child and make her shake her groove thing.  The best part of this 30 minute work out?  I am smiling for all 30 minutes.  Smiling and sweating and dancing.  What could be better?

Have you picked up a hoop recently?  Not one of the kids hoops they sell in the toy store, but an adult hoop, sized and weighted for grown ups.  It’s like, well, its kind of like bacon wrapped water chestnuts (yes, Jenn, the ones you make to perfection.)  You always know its going to be awesome, but it still surprises you how awesome, and when you are done you always want more.   I will often grab one of my hoops and hoop while I watch TV.  Turns being a couch potato into being active and I still get to watch NCIS.  Hello there Gibbs!

Check out some of the You Tube videos of hoopers, or go to Hoopnitica and check out everything they have to offer.  Also take a look at the great tricks you can learn, or even make your own hoop.  Whatever you do, try it for yourself, see if you don’t find it the best thing since recess.

Hoopnotica – Find yourself in the hoop

Want to find a little burst of joy in your week?  Try a hula hoop.  You will smile and laugh and remember what it feels like to be a kid when you find a place inside the hoop.  You will thank me, I promise.

“We come spinning out of nothingness. Scattering stars like dust. The stars form a circle. And in the center we dance.” Rumi.

2 responses

  1. Don’t think I’m quite ready for hoops, but maybe by summer….
    Does everyone who reads your blog get to see my posts? I don’t get how these electronic things work….

    1. Hi Cher!

      We can have you hoop ready in no time. I even have an extra you can practice on if you like.
      Comments on the page are public. I am setting up a private email contact for people who want to reply but don’t want them published.

      Thanks for reading these. It makes me feel good to share my gratitude and thanksgiving with other people!

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